As the most predominant color in nature, green has many shades and variations. There is not one perfect shade of green, which is why The GelBottle has created 50 green gel polishes (and counting) that professional nail techs can stock their nail kits and salon shelves with. These include pastel greens, olive or army green, and green glitter nail polish. The best news is that these come in both mini gel polish bottle format and a full-size 20ml bottle format.
When we say “green,” we mean all types of green. From light greens to sage hues and dark greens to glitter greens, we have it all! Offer bright and dark green options in your salon for pastel springs, bright summers, olive green falls, or classic winter greens.
Light green is a popular ask among clients in the spring and summer months. The GelBottle has created an extensive green palette to help nail techs meet the client demand. One of our bestselling light greens and a customer favorite is Tiffany, a light turquoise green gel polish inspired by the famous Fifth Avenue store. Opt for a light green semiopaque look with one coat, or enjoy vibrant full coverage with two coats of Tiffany. Serena is light pastel green, popular in the spring. Crest Sage is a cool light green for a more subtle, neutral manicure. Another great option that’s a little darker than Tiffany is Capri, a gorgeous, fresh, minty color inspired by the stunning aqua coastline that glistens in the summer sunshine as the color itself.
Bright emerald green gel polish is a great option for the warmer days or tropical getaways. Emerald green gel nail polish is a vibrant green that resembles the rich color of tree leaves and lush greenery. Bottega is a bright leafy green that'll add a flourish and pop of color to any manicure. Rio is a great option for a vibrant green manicure if you're looking for something a little more neon. Looking to take it a shade further? Glass Green and Rainbow are the ultimate neon green gel polishes perfect for that head-turning, bright look.
Feeling regal and looking to create a more sophisticated look? Dark green is the way to go and there are a few options to choose from. Our most popular dark green gel polish is Secret Entrance, which is a mesmerizing deep forest green from our Lady Luxe collection. Evergreen BIAB™ is dark green builder gel that is a client fave for manis all year round and especially during the fall and winter.
Olive green gel polish is another classic, versatile option from the dark green gel polish palette. Avant-Garde is a deep olive green gel nail polish that connects you to nature and complements any autumn wardrobe. Knightsbridge is a rich and famous green that is effortlessly elegant.
Green is a versatile color, which is why our glitter, holographic, and metallic shades can be used to create casual daytime and glamorous evening looks. Live a fairytale experience with Elf and its dream-like glitter that can take any outfit to the next level. Or be the envy of the ball with Ivy, an elegant pearlescent green gel nail polish that is the essential partner to any regal partygoer. #Slay is a bright, chunky glitter green, great for fun, celebratory nails. Energy is a darker green shimmer nail gel that is perfect for the end of fall and winter. Belgravia Cat-Eye is a dark green cat-eye gel polish with silver magnetic shimmers, a green nail color with sparkle and sophistication. Northern Lights Cat-Eye, on the other hand, is a bright green cat-eye.
Lime green Chrome Pigment is for bold and confident nails. This chrome powder is the light green metallic finish you must have in your salon. Sage Chrome Pigment is a timeless green with a touch of extravagance that can be used on manicures year-round. Our green chrome nail colors are highly pigmented, non-toxic, and easy to apply.
Our green gel polish is only for professional nail technicians. Please log in or create an account to purchase our polishes.